
Bliss Therapy

Shirodhara Bliss Therapy

75 minutes/$135

This ancient treatment is a true gift to mental rejuvenation and has the potential to release  ama (toxicity) and support the central nervous system. The shirodhara treatment is a steady stream of warm oil that gently flows from a vessel that is elevated above the forehead. The oil drifts over the forehead and spreads like a pleasant waterfall onto the crown of the head. Shirodhara has many benefits and is part of the traditional panchakarma chikitsa.  It has the potential to assist in 

Vata/Pitta imbalances

Memory Retention

Relief from nervous tension


Chronic headaches and migraines


Assists in supporting the health of the sinuses

Increases circulation to the head and brain

During your treatment you will be guided into a deep relaxed state through a guided savasana. From there I will begin the treatment at your feet and provide a grounding foot massage. Following this we will begin to move to the upper body and a massage that targets the head, neck, and shoulders with marma point therapy. Once you have received stabilizing bodywork you will receive the blissful effects of shirodhara. The oil will be applied for a continuous 30 minutes. After the oiling you will be invited to rest for an additional 5-10 minutes in a guided savasana. 

Please be mindful that this treatment applies copious amounts of oil to the head and scalp region. I provide towels to tend to the body with but please wear clothing that you are okay having oil come into contact with