The Biodynamic Cranial Approach is a system of healing based upon the osteopathic lineage and oral tradition. My mentor in this approach is Giorgia Milne and her Touch of Presence School.
This work begins with a deep and centered presence. As the “practitioner” I orient to what is present in the “recipients” field of expression and allow that to guide the placement of my hands.
In many craniosarcral lineages there is an emphasis on protocols and techniques. I honor these techniques and in this biodynamic approach it is not a technique that guides the session but having the breath of life guide the treatment. This is not a system of healing that falls under “energy” work (although it is safe to say that all work is energy work) but it is a study that produces moments of deep restoration, ability to be with the discomforts of our bodies and mind with a sense of healing neutrality, healing chronic pain and structural dysfunction, and touching the phenomenon of life.
Healing happens when we can reorient to the existing unfolding of life and it’s processes. What often happens is that we do not maintain this flow with life and the outcome is disease not just of the body but in the mind and spirit. By holding presence with the orientation of what is natural we have the opportunity to self correct and begin to heal distortions in body, mind, spirit matrix.
In my years of study I began my craniosacral studies at the Upledger Institute. This work can be best described as the functional and mechanical approach to cranial studies. It is beautiful work and lineage. That said it still has a power differential where one is the “healer” and the other is the “client”. This again is not a judgement but within the biodynamic cranial approach we absolve those lines and orient to a higher organizing intelligence and trust it’s guidance for the treatment.
Currently I offer a 60 and 90 minute session and the option of 90 minutes with the time split between bodywork and cranial work. Each session can incorporate a flower essence mini-consult and the option to receive a customized flower essence formula to support the continuation of the work. If you have any questions please reach out to me for additional information.